by Red Jun | May 31, 2016 | Article Marketing, Facebook Marketing
[mashshare] Taking Analytics to another Level Some businesses use ads in their articles to get additional earnings from third parties. If this is the situation, Facebook still allows the ads and will let you keep all revenue. Furthermore, you can have Facebook insert...
by Red Jun | Aug 20, 2015 | Small Business, Social Media Marketing
Social media is nothing if not constantly changing, which on the surface can be quite discouraging. We may already feel as though it's next to impossible to keep up, but I would argue that most of the time, these changes are improvements, and meant to make things...
by Red Jun | Jul 9, 2015 | Article Marketing, Content Marketing, Facebook Marketing
A lot of the buzz surrounding Facebook as of late is the launch of Facebook Instant Articles. This mobile-only platform is effectively raising the bar for content publishers by enabling you to create an incredibly rich, multi-layered approach to content that will...