Injecting Emotion into Your Copy

For just about as long as man has tried to convince others about something in print, the use of emotional triggers in copy has been used. While you might think that this has been a tactic from a land long ago and far away, the reality is it's every bit as effective today.

Crafting the use of emotional triggers into our copy is a very effective way to get the type of response you're after.

So what emotions work well in copy? Which ones get the best results, and how do you use them? The following are 5 tested emotional triggers that work well in copy.

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5 Emotional triggers you may want to use in your copy

#1. Fear

No one wants the worst to happen, and playing on those fears can be very effective. Witness the “Mayhem” commercials by Allstate over the last several years. While humorous, there is still an element of fear as these “accidents” are all too common.

#2. Trust

Paradoxically, in times of distrust we can make a lot of hay with messages emphasizing trust. “No hidden fees”, “We value your privacy” and other phrases designed to assuage consumers fear about being overcharged, underserved and so on.

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#3. Time

With no one having any spare time anymore, this trigger is a particularly effective one. Everyone craves more time to spend with family and friends, unwind and messages that promise this get our attention.

#4. Current Trends

Many in our society are driven by possessing the latest and coolest tings, and this desire is nearly unstoppable. If you are able to craft your copy while also making it trendworthy you've got a winner.

#5. Feeling like they belong

Most people are prone to identify with a group that best represents who they believe they are. Only a relative few actually don't want to belong to a group. Crafting copy that speaks to a group can be very lucrative.

So there you have five to work with. There are more, but these will get you going. Try to work them into your copy subtly, and see if you don't get results.