by Red Jun | Jun 16, 2016 | Search Engine Optimization
[mashshare] Some people decry blog commenting from businesses since unethical marketers have used automated tools for spamming purposes in the past. If you do not engage in this behavior, though, your site can see an increase of new visitors thanks to a manual...
by Red Jun | Aug 25, 2015 | E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization
SEO for e-commerce is not that much different than SEO for anything else, but it does have some unique aspects you'll want to bear in mind. With quite a few new players in the e-commerce game lately, the importance of getting your site noticed and ranked above the...
by Red Jun | Jul 1, 2015 | Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
A lot of people have bought into the mistaken belief that SEO and content marketing are two separate animals. Perhaps that might have been somewhat true back in the day, these days the two are so intertwined as to be thought of concurrently. What is necessary now is a...
by Red Jun | Jun 11, 2015 | Search Engine Optimization
Knowing how to write effective SEO title tags and headlines can be confusing these days. See you're not alone! Many struggle over making it SEO optimized while at the same time enticing enough to draw in the clicks, which is the main job of a headline, right?...
by Red Jun | May 9, 2015 | Search Engine Optimization
Since SEO changes frequently it's incumbent upon us to make sure we are up to date on the current state of affairs in regards to on-page SEO for our sites. There's more to this than merely dropping in a keyword every now and then: Google is constantly seeking ways to...