Why Isn't Your Content Going Viral?

Photo Credit: Flickr/10ch

Given all the work you've most likely put into your content, it's downright heartbreaking when what you've slaved over falls flat, dead on arrival when it's published.

Nobody reads, no one shares, not one person comments. The very elements you were aiming for in hopes of it going viral are nowhere to be found.

Rather than give up in disgust, let's take a look at 3 possible reasons your content may not be catching fire.

3 Reasons that your content isn't resonating

No emotional connection – This is the first area to check. If you aren't connecting with your audience on a gut level, striking them where they live, there is no way they'll feel compelled to share this “meh” work any further than the delete key. Addressing people's pain points and showing that you not just care enough to help, but also have some experience in this area yourself is a great first step.

Bad distribution – If your content distribution network isn't quite as robust as it might be, you will definitely see your content failing to reach as far and wide as it might. Make sure you are giving it the best shot possible by sharing it on your own social media channels, asking all those who have an interested audience to share it, and getting it out to your email list, and asking them to share. You might also want to consider giving special content an advertising boost, as in with a Twitter ad, or Facebook promoted post, to build some initial momentum.

It's not worth sharing – If your content is not positive, or lacks elements that other people would find valuable, you'll learn that most people won't want to share it. Humor and a great story always end up getting shared. Creating emotional content that addresses practical concerns in a useful way is a recipe for getting your content shared far and wide.