What is Hashtag Marketing and How Can It Help You

Hashtags are taking the world by storm, and the world of marketing is no exception. They are in just about every post, for many different reasons. Born on Twitter, which is still the most popular venue for hashtags, they have become a form of shorthand for a world that's already short!

Now even Emojis are getting into the act, with Instagram announcing support for the little darlings. (Not yet on other networks)

Hashtags can help you discover more about your audience, see what they're talking about and interested in, encourage engagement, and also help you with branding.

To get you pointed in the right direction, here's 5 tips you can use to make your hashtag marketing more effective.

5 Tips for making the most of Hashtag Marketing

Learn about what your audience is interested in – Hashtags are a quick and dirty way of getting some audience preferences into the mix. Strategically employing hashtags can help you discern interests, needs and concerns speedily. This can serve many purposes in your marketing plan.

Look into paid promotion – Promoting your hashtag on Twitter can occasionally make a popular campaign wildly popular. Only do this when you've got a good one going. The goal here is to have your hashtag make in onto Twitter's trending list.

Use local hashtags for local promotion – If you want to promote specific local locations for your business, use local geo-modifiers to identify neighborhood businesses. A very easy and effective way to extend the reach of your brand.

Found a trending hashtag? Join the conversation! – An excellent way to leverage the power of popular hashtags is to jump into the ongoing conversation. Don't attempt to hijack, but rather add substance to the discussion, in a way only your brand can!

Energize your other marketing efforts with hashtags – The judicious use of hashtags can be a quick way to amplify your already running marketing campaign. Pointing to and drawing attention with the clever use of hashtags can bring you visitors you may not have had.

Hashtags are simple to use, and can be an added tool in your marketing arsenal. Start using them today!