See These 7 Tips for Getting Quality Backlinks to Your Site

Try as we may wish to, abandoning link building to our pages doesn't seem to be going the way of the dinosaur. Google still looks at incoming backlinks as a sign that your page is worthy and popular, although it has gotten significantly better in recent years at ferreting out attempts to game the system.

To help get you started, we've listed 7 easy ways to get quality backlinks to your web pages. Now you just have to do it!

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7 Strategies to get quality backlinks to your pages

Press releases – Some are running scared of press releases right now, and if you are doing these simply to score an anchor text link, you might well be. Instead, use them for what they are meant for: real news, naked links, and wide distribution.

Relevant business directories – This is essential if you have a local business, but works well for any site. Don't blanket the Web with directory listings; but choose the best and use carefully thought-out entries.

Get into image sites – You might be amazed to learn that sites like Pinterest and Instagram can drive huge traffic, and what's more, convert really well! Making use of these sites as part of your cross-promotion is the ticket here.

Guest posts – Still a worthwhile tactic if you are willing to take the time to not only write killer content, but place it on relevant, authoritative sites that get a lot of traffic.

Related: See How to Build Better backlinks in 2015!

Social media – The highest and best use of social media for your business is to help you promote your other content. Extending your reach through the fans and followers of others is a great way to get the word out.

Create infographics – A sharp looking and informative infographic has the ability to be shared far and wide, and linked to in a whole lot of places. Something to think about!

Videos – Links from a video on YouTube are highly regarded by Google, and have the chance to go viral when done well. Be sure that your video is optimized well, so that it appears highly in YouTube search, as well as related videos.