5 Tips For Creating A Small Business Marketing Plan

I bet every time you've seen the cart placed before the horse, it hasn't worked. So it would follow that this type of approach in business is doomed to fail also? Yep. If you're starting out you need to create a marketing plan for your small business BEFORE spending money or worse, your valuable time.

Crafting this marketing plan is not difficult, or particularly time-consuming, but it does require some thought. Let's have a look at 5 tips for creating a small business marketing plan.

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5 Tips for a killer small business marketing plan

1 – Have a goal

Have a goal

Not simply one overarching goal, which is important, but a series of smaller, milestone type goals that make it easier to reach your eventual destination.

2 – Decide on your audience

Knowing the audience you're marketing to is critical, and make every effort to have a firm grip on your customer avatar before you embark upon a marketing campaign. Take an in-depth look into your current customers, or those you are hoping to get, and create a profile of what your ideal customer looks like.

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3 – How you intend to market

How you intend to market

There are numerous ways to get your message out, but knowing the best and right way for your particular business can provide you with a clear focus and save resources. Whichever method you choose, whether it's paid ads or organic search marketing, it needs to be the right one for you!

4 – Know what else you need

There will more than likely be pieces in the puzzle that are critical to the plan that need to be in pace as well. This can sometimes be a marketing funnel, landing pages or an email marketing sequence.

5 – Embrace deadlines

Do your business a favor and set deadlines for items to be completed. This will ensure accountability and keep members of the team focused on a shared goal.